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Classic chicken soup and meat added to delicious vegetables
Hearty vegetables for dinner, lunch, or snack
The perfect addition to every Passover meal
Please be patient as we upload recipes onto the site.
Meat and Chicken Soups
- Sweet n’ Sour Cabbage Meat Soup
- Classic Passover Chicken Soup
Parve Soups

Creamy Butternut Squash Soup
A soup where sweet and savory meet

Golden Harvest Zucchini and Two Tone Potato Soup
A nourishing and vibrant vegetable soup, perfect for a cozy lunch or snack.
- Avocado and Tomato Salad
- Passover Cucumber Salad
- Passover Coleslaw
- Fruit Salad
- Fried Gefilte Fish
- Green Salad
- Israeli Salad